The core purpose of NHSBT is to “save and improve patient’s lives”. It looks to achieve this by the safe and reliable supply of blood components (on average 7000 units per day), specialist diagnostic services, human tissue, cartilage and bone products, and donated organs. To achieve its core purpose, NHSBT must have a property portfolio which is deemed fit for purpose. NHSBT is licensed under statute by the Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA) and categorised as a Pharmaceutical Manufacturer. Consequently the internal and external property infrastructure must be maintained to the highest standards. To cope with this high demand, there are 90+ NHSBT fixed site locations nationally to support this complex infrastructure.
In 2004 NHSBT Estates and Facilities (E∓F) identified a requirement for a software solution to monitor and track its building fabrics and assets nationally. These requirements were passed out to tender to identify the most suitable candidate to offer an integrated solution capable of supporting this need. Following an extensive and involved tender process, Tabs FM were selected to supply a comprehensive Computer Aided Facilities Management solution required to support the NHSBT E&F operations.
Implementation began with a phased approach: initially piloting the Reactive Maintenance module at a single site location, but following extensive testing, Estates and Facilities embarked on a controlled introduction of this module nationally. Following the successful deployment of the reactive maintenance module, extensive testing then commenced with the Intranet System for web-based self-service call logging, and once proven, was immediately adopted and rolled out nationally with immediate success.
The next phase of deployment was to capture all maintainable assets for inclusion into the PPM module. Nationally, Estates and Facilities utilise a number of PPM contractors and strategically it was recognised that control of all planned activities (in-house and out-sourced) were best managed by NHSBT Estates and Facilities Management Team using the Tabs CAFM system.
The size and scale of this implementation required large volumes of asset and planned maintenance data to be imported to the system from each site location, in all over 10,000 parent assets were identified. In collaboration with Estates and Facilities, Tabs FM developed a unique (data) import tool with the ability to validate and import these vast quantities of assets, planned maintenance schedules and other applicable data into the system, direct from Excel spread sheets. This approach ensured process efficiency and data accuracy, along with significant resource saving benefits. With a central source validating and importing all data received from each location, the system evolved, providing a reliable management tool.
To adhere to Quality Assurance requirements at NHSBT a replication (test) environment was established for the testing of all new functionalities and imported data. Following successful import trials, in April 2009 a batch import of all PPM schedules and asset information was imported successfully into the system. Growth Throughout the implementation process, additional items were identified for system enhancements, which Tabs development team addressed. A collaborative approach, facilitated the progress and uptake of the system, including new reports, system views and security measures ensuring data accuracy and system efficiency.
At the start of 2012, NHSBT recorded over 140 users (both internal and contractors) logging into the management console to review and respond to data. The system is used across all locations and there are in excess of 2.5k end user (clients) reporting and reviewing maintenance related tasks via the 24/7/365 web portal. System usage is also planned to increase over the foreseeable future as the NHSBT continues to explore new possibilities provided by Tabs FM. These include Dashboard reporting, Mobile interfaces and migration to the new .Net platform.
In 2023 NHSBT engaged with Tabs FM to embark on a journey to provide a digitised solution fot NHS Cleaning Standards. Following detailed planning meetings and the supply of NHS Cleaning Standards documentation, Tabs FM produced a comprehensive scoping document which utlises and enhances exisiting modules, and incorporates a new module that would provide a complete NHS Cleaning and Efficacy Auditing solution. This solution allows for the configuration of audit questions and auto scheduling of audit tasks based on site importance, complete with a mobile application to complete audits in the field.
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