Tabs FM CAFM Software for facilities management

Tabs CAFM Product Support

We recognise the importance of providing support to our clients. Whilst our software is renowned for inherit ease of use, inevitably you will occasionally need to speak with an experienced Tabs consultant to solve a particular issue or get advice on how to achieve your goal or overcome.

We have a telephone support policy for the primary method of dealing with problems or queries. Our helpdesk is open from 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday. In addition to our telephone support you may submit a support request on our WEBsite or via email at

What ever method is used to contact us, if necessary you will be provided with a job number for your reference. Progression on your support query will be made via email or by a telephone call from one of our support technicians. The job will only be closed once the case is complete, with an email confirmation or call made if required.

As part of the license and support agreement with Tabs FM, you may call our telephone helpline, submit support requests or request on-site support by a Tabs consultant (chargeable unless it is to fix a problem with our software) as often as you wish, and that also applies for all your users of Tabs.

Getting Social

To further improve our service offering, Tabs FM provide various routes to keep up to date with latest software and company developments through our various social media outlets. Please connect with us on Twitter, Facebook or Linkedin.

In addition to social updates, Tabs FM have introduced a Tabs CAFM User Group forum on Linkedin. Search for us and join the Tabs community.

technically advanced, functionally brilliant